You Were Predestined To Read This (Or You May Choose Not To)!

You Were Predestined To Read This (Or You May Choose Not To)!

Today is a bit of a Reformed doctrine day. I do this from time to time if I find some interesting articles. Church planting requires some theological thought and reflection, as well as an appreciation for church history (even if we don’t agree with some of it). I felt like it was predestined for me to write this for you today, but you have the free will to read these articles or not 🙂

The resurgence website have produced a helpful, albeit brief, article on the histories of the Scottish & Dutch Reformed theologies. As regular readers of this blog know, I hold to a Reformed theology but, unlike many under 40’s today (still 7 weeks or so left in my 30’s), mine is not based on the writings of Mark Driscoll or other so-called, ‘new Calvinists’. There is a little bit more weight of history behind these issues than that! To be fair to Driscoll, his blog highlights it here. I recommend it as a bit of light reading!

Piper has a good discussion here on the two wills of God. This requires a little more brain power!

There is a great resource on Justin Taylor’s blog which includes an article by Mark Dever. In it he asks the question,  ‘Where all these Calvinists have come from.’ Read it here. This will require some real thinking!

Happy reading (or not)!