

Is Traditional Preaching Finished As We Know It?

This question seemed to be one of the premises behind a book I read recently, although I am uncertain as to the author’s final answer. Because I haven’t done a book review for a while I thought I would review this one which has been sat in my drafts box for a few months. In the course…

20 Schemes Shout Out On TGC Blog!

I was encouraged to see Thabiti Anyabwile give a shout out to the work of 20Schemes on his blog recently. Check it out here. We are praying for a new wave of gospel workers and church planters to come and help us establish healthy, gospel centred churches in Scotland’s housing schemes.

God’s Love & The Reality Of Hell

Jared Moore has put together some resources by Don Carson on the difficult doctrine of the love of God here. Although his context is American Southern Baptists it is a topic that is pertinent for all believers. The topic of God’s love and His wrath is just so important in a ministry like ours. Real people are going to a real hell. Jared writes: The wrath of God…

Gospel Church For Scotland’s Poorest: New Video

Please take and use this video on your blogs/Facebook pages and even consider showing it in your church service(s). 20schemes is making more contacts across Scotland every week with people and churches looking for support in some of the country’s poorest areas. We currently have several…

BBC Children In Need, Alan Hansen, Kids In The street & Niddrie

This is a short film shown as an appeal in the BBC Children In Need programme recently. I am showing it because the man on the film, Kev Finlay, is a great guy. The church has been working with him over the last year or so in a number of ways, including football, and he is currently helping us…