'evangelism' Tagged Posts
Most Popular Blog Post of 2012: An Assessment of T4G, City2City & Acts29WE Conferences
As voted for by you, the viewing public. Right, let me get something straight right off the bat. I am not a conference junkie! It just so happened that I squeezed in these 3 during a manic 2 week period. In fact, this is the…
What Are You Searching For?
Gavin Peacock Comes To Niddrie
Football is the language of the schemes. Almost everybody here has a team. In Edinburgh it is Hibs or Hearts. In Glasgow it is Rangers or Celtic. Of course, here teams are divided down religious lines: Catholic or Protestant. Regardless, people love their football here in Niddrie and it has been a good medium for me over the years to share the gospel. In about 2 weeks…
How Small Churches Can Help Missions
There is a great article here published on The Gospel Coalition website here. Missions, training and church planting, particularly, do not have to be the domain of large churches. We are one of the smallest churches in the city (60 members) and I would hazard a guess that we offer one of the largest training places in Scotland for our type of ministry (9 full time…
The Reward of His Suffering
Beautiful. Glorious. Deeply challenging. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PXTYsY7XqNU#!]
Ken Ham v Hugh Ross
I found this online recently. The rationale behind some of the apologetic approaches is fascinating from a natural scientific perspective. Tellingly, Ham was consistently bringing things back to Scripture as our starting point for dealing with people.See what you think. watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zgueGotRqbM#!
Why Should We Bother With The Idle & The Ungrateful?
Shouldn’t we focus our attentions on those who ‘deserve’ our kindness in housing schemes? There are so many people in our world who are in a terrible condition through no fault of their own. Yet on our housing schemes there are 100’s who will not work. They choose to live…
Shalom in our Schemes: Impossible Ideal or Gospel Soaked Reality?
The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern (Prov. 29:7). Shalom has become a popular buzzword in certain evangelical circles, particularly around the whole ‘justice for the oppressed’ debate. What do we exactly mean by the word Shalom? Tim Keller…
Inner City Regeneration: Friend or Foe?
This is an emotive issue for many on our scheme. Much of the old housing and tenements have now gone from what was, historically, regarded as ‘old’ Niddrie. In its place are green fields, building sites, new flats, houses and a variety of government agencies and voluntary services. Almost everything feels new and shiny. The school, the doctor’s surgery,…
How Do We Reach People On Housing Schemes With The Gospel?
I often get asked how and why we have so many contacts and have so many unchurched people attending our services throughout the week. The answer is quite simple: 1. We pray for people. Are you really praying for people in your area, consistently, specifically an intelligently. when I first came to…