'NiddriePastor' Tagged Posts
A Little Bit Of Christmas Cheer!
I got this from a friend on Facebook. Classic! [youtube=http://youtu.be/TM1XusYVqNY]
From Sleeping In A Graveyard To Walking With The Living God
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/53951424]
The Special Skill Set Needed To Plant Churches In Housing schemes
People often ask what gift set I am looking for if a person wants to join our team or become part of 20schemes. How about the following for starters! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7DvUkPBoG4&feature=related]
Do You have to Believe in God to be a Christian?
This made me proper mad! watch?v=rWxJyoODSZg&feature=player_embedded
T4G Conference 2012 (5): The Message That Saved My Ministry!
Speaker: Ligon Duncan Text: 1 Kings 19 Title: The Underestimated God: God’s Ruthless, Compassionate Grace in the Pursuit of His Own Glory and His Ministers’ Joy I tell you what they don’t go for the snappy soundbite titles these boys! This one was definitely up there for the…
What is the one thing Pastors should be competent to do?
I am a physician with but one medicine to prescribe, and that is the gospel of Christ. It may need to be applied in various ways, various aspects of it may need to receive the right emphasis, and it may need to be administered in the right form. But only the gospel of Jesus Christ can heal the…
An Assessment of T4G, City2City & Acts29WE Conferences
Right, let me get something straight right off the bat. I am not a conference junkie! It just so happened that I squeezed in these 3 during a manic 2 week period. In fact, this is the most conferences I have been to in 10 years! I do not usually like these things. I hate the crowds and the whole…
How 2 Men Died in 1 Man’s Place
His simple and clear explanation of the gospel at the end is worth the wait. Very moving. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cLj4akmncsA#!]
What’s the point of meeting on a Sunday?
By Andy Constable A couple of weeks ago, I blogged that worship isn’t simply a Sunday activity while we sing songs but involves our heart attitude in all of life (see: http://niddriepastor.com/2012/04/06/dont-just-sing-about-it-start-worshipping-god-today-everyday/) The question that necessarily…
Gentrification: Help or Hindrance to Housing Schemes?
Gentrification is a phenomenon that is occurring in schemes all over Scotland (indeed the UK). It is a word that has been in use for many centuries but was brought to the fore in the early sixties by a sociologist who observed how middle class people moving into traditional working class areas,…