Women and Wives
Starting The New Year Off Right: Bible Reading Plans For 2013.
Happy New Year to one and all! Can I start off my thanking those of you who take the time to log in and read some of my thoughts from time to time. I am constantly amazed at the numbers who read this blog from around the globe. It is with this in mind, alongside the launch of 20schemes, that this…
Top 3 Blog Posts of 2012: From Selling Heroin in the Car Park to Proclaiming Christ in the Community
Women Bishops: Who Cares Really?
A few people have asked me on the scheme about my opinion on the women bishops debate and my Twitter feed and Facebook have been full of those in favour and those against. Everybody has an opinion on this one. My response was to ask my friends whether having women bishops would make them more likely or less likely to go to church. The answer: “We don’t care.…
The Legacy of Over Helping The Poor In Our Schemes
There was, as usual, a lot of interest in yesterday’s post on the benefits culture in our society. So, here is a re-posting of a blog from earlier this year on the topic. It caused some debate at the time and it is an issue that seems to stir heated emotions across all political divides in…
Deprived or Scroungers? Working in Housing Schemes
Benefit claimants have been in the news again this week and it prompted me to dig out an old post and somewhat adapt it. I definitely want to blog more on this topic and I am hoping to include a chapter in my upcoming book. For now, here is an old article on the BBC website. Please take the time to…
Gospel Church For Scotland’s Poorest: New Video
Please take and use this video on your blogs/Facebook pages and even consider showing it in your church service(s). 20schemes is making more contacts across Scotland every week with people and churches looking for support in some of the country’s poorest areas. We currently have several…
Rik’s Testimony: “How I used To Be A Doughnut”
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/53835519]
My Daughter’s Testimony
Yesterday was a great day for NCC as we witnessed the baptism of 5 people; 4 grown men and my 11-year-old daughter, Keziah. I am going to put all of the testimonies on the site over the next few days but I am starting with Keziah today. It was amazing listening to the stories of how different men had battled prison, drugs, mental health and family breakdown before the…
Scotland’s Forgotten, Rural Housing Schemes
In all the recent talk of the city as the main focus of church planting and theological thought (at least in many quarters) it seems that rural ministry is a bit like the ugly girl at a wedding. Everybody knows she’s there but nobody wants to dance with her. It’s not my intent to talk…
Church Planting Resources
Here are some resources from the Geneva Push 2011 Conference. As with all things, this is not a wholehearted recommendation for all of the content. But it is worth a perusal. Click here.