A Foretaste Of Heaven In 57 Seconds
Well, the Conservative bit of it anyway! 🙂 [youtube=]
Top 3 Blog Posts of 2012: From Selling Heroin in the Car Park to Proclaiming Christ in the Community
What a Wonderful World (In 16 Musical Genres)!
As you can tell I am using lots of video fillers for the Christmas season. Tomorrow I will start the countdown on my top 3 blog posts of 2012 (statistically). Then, early in the New Year I will be leaving this blog and starting over at However, I will give plenty of notice about…
What Are You Searching For?
Video Resources For Grief Counselling
I cam across this resource some time ago. They are definitely worth checking out but I can’t claim to give 100% backing to them because I haven’t watched them. However, worth checking out as a potential resource.
Some Christmas Cheer!
This is a fascinating take on the Christmas event. [youtube=] Here’s a more modern take. [youtube=!] Perhaps the cutest ever video can be found on the following link. You’d have to be hard hearted not to like this one. A…
A Little Bit Of Christmas Cheer!
I got this from a friend on Facebook. Classic! [youtube=]
Church Planting Opportunities In Scottish Schemes
Please visit our site: for more details. [vimeo]
Watch This All Mark Driscoll & Matt Chandler Wannabes!
[youtube=] Relax. It’s just a bit of fun. 🙂
Why Pastors Should Kill Stuff!
The ironic thing about this video is I am uploading it at 4:30am because I can’t sleep. Although, in my own defence, I am in America and 5 hours out of sync with my body clock. Enjoy this discussion on why so many of us are tired all the time. Challenging stuff personally as I work in Niddrie, train leaders and seek to establish 20 schemes as a ministry in Scotland.…