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Is Traditional Preaching Finished As We Know It?

This question seemed to be one of the premises behind a book I read recently, although I am uncertain as to the author’s final answer. Because I haven’t done a book review for a while I thought I would review this one which has been sat in my drafts box for a few months. In the course…

Starting The New Year Off Right: Bible Reading Plans For 2013.

Happy New Year to one and all! Can I start off my thanking those of you who take the time to log in and read some of my thoughts from time to time. I am constantly amazed at the numbers who read this blog from around the globe. It is with this in mind, alongside the launch of 20schemes, that this…

Some Christmas Cheer!

This is a fascinating take on the Christmas event. [youtube=] Here’s a more modern take. [youtube=!] Perhaps the cutest ever video can be found on the following link. You’d have to be hard hearted not to like this one. A…

20 Schemes USA Launch: Some Observations

As many of you are aware, I have recently returned from the USA launch of 20Schemes. I suggest you click on the link if you do not know what that is. 20schemes is partnering with Bardstown Christian Fellowship in the planting and revitalisation of gospel centred churches in some of Scotland’s poorest housing schemes. As I was there for 5 days of intense meetings,…

Gay Marriage Issues: A Christian Response

I have been away in the US for the launch of 20 schemes and so I have been a bit disorganised with my posts.  Tomorrow, I hope to post a review of my trip overseas. But, for today, I will link to two posts that struck me for different reasons. John Stevens link here. A really helpful (and in-depth) article on the gay marriage debate. Please take the time to read it…