What We Do

What We Do


At 20schemes, our desire is to see Scotland’s housing schemes transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ through the revitalisation and planting of gospel-preaching churches, ultimately led by a future generation of indigenous church leaders.

We believe that building healthy, gospel preaching churches in Scotland’s poorest communities will bring true renewal to Scotland’s schemes. LEARN MORE

20schemes is a ministry of Niddrie Community Church (Edinburgh, Scotland) in partnership with 20schemes Incorporated, an integrated auxiliary of Bardstown Christian Fellowship (Kentucky, USA). Niddrie Community Church is the Scottish headquarters of 20schemes.

Ragged School of Theology

The Ragged School of Theology aims to provide Christian ministry training that suits those who learn best practically and actively.

Training focuses on what you can do rather than what you have read and how many words you have written.

Courses are delivered in Edinburgh, Scotland at Niddrie Community Church through a blend of small discussion groups and include a ministry placement in a local church. Assessments mimic ministry activities with presentations, simulations, reports, and portfolios. LEARN MORE

The Mission Cafe

Niddrie Community Church runs a small community cafe in our building. The Café is a great place to meet people and we get lots of opportunities to share the gospel. It is open 4 days a week and has a variety of menu options. LEARN MORE


We offer a variety of children and youth activities throughout the week for ages 0-15. LEARN MORE

Retrain Scotland

We believe we were made to work diligently with our hands and be useful in our communities. We know there are many people who have much to offer in the workplace and that they can find stability and purpose as they work and contribute in a nurturing  environment. Retrain is a social enterprise which aims to train and equip people to use their skills and talents in the workplace.