Missional Living
Top 3 Blog Posts of 2012: Planting Church in Hard Places. But What About Our Children?
This is at number 2. I sometimes meet with and speak to young men who say that they are interested in planting churches in housing schemes. One issue in particular seems to hinder them, especially if they’re from an educated, middle class background. It’s the problem of children. They are either…
Top 3 Blog Posts of 2012: From Selling Heroin in the Car Park to Proclaiming Christ in the Community
Church Planting Opportunities In Scottish Schemes
Please visit our site: www.20schemes.com for more details. [vimeo http://vimeo.com/55465139]
Deprived or Scroungers? Working in Housing Schemes
Benefit claimants have been in the news again this week and it prompted me to dig out an old post and somewhat adapt it. I definitely want to blog more on this topic and I am hoping to include a chapter in my upcoming book. For now, here is an old article on the BBC website. Please take the time to…
BBC Children In Need, Alan Hansen, Kids In The street & Niddrie
This is a short film shown as an appeal in the BBC Children In Need programme recently. I am showing it because the man on the film, Kev Finlay, is a great guy. The church has been working with him over the last year or so in a number of ways, including football, and he is currently helping us…
Steve Timmis: The Mission
Here’s a bit of the silver (skipping) fox on “The Mission”. Always worth a punt.
Why Small Churches Can Be More Effective Than Large Ones
The pendulum’s swung, says author, speaker, and activist JR Woodward. Bigger is no longer better in the church world – and Woodward is predicting that the real energy for God’s work in the local church will come from smaller, intentional communities who are immersed in spiritual practices that…
Church Planting Resources
Here are some resources from the Geneva Push 2011 Conference. As with all things, this is not a wholehearted recommendation for all of the content. But it is worth a perusal. Click here.
Holiness & The Church Planter
“For this is the will of God, your sanctification” (1 Thessalonians 4:3). At our “In this City” Conference last night, Tim Chester was looking at the issue of the church planter and purity. Character before gifts is a fundamental premise of all Christian leadership and Crossway have produced a helpful list of e-books on the topic of pursuing holiness. Worth…
Church Planting Resources
Here is a website that could be useful for those of us trying to plant churches and think through some issues. www.churchplanting.com As with all sites I am not claiming to agree with, or endorse, all that is written but it could be a helpful resource for some. I am currently thinking about whether I should be broadening this site for a UK context or developing a new…