'justin taylor' Tagged Posts
You Were Predestined To Read This (Or You May Choose Not To)!
Today is a bit of a Reformed doctrine day. I do this from time to time if I find some interesting articles. Church planting requires some theological thought and reflection, as well as an appreciation for church history (even if we don’t agree with some of it). I felt like it was predestined…
What Should Christians Really Think About the Homosexual Marriage Debate?
The issue, as per usual, is all over the media once again. Hats off to the homosexual lobby for keeping this issue alive. I read somewhere that there are less homosexuals in our country than evangelicals, but whilst we all waste time fighting about hymn books and the use of drums in worship, they…
How to be the ultimate youth pastor
Thanks to Justin Taylor of The Gospel Coalition for sharing this informative little 10 minute video, giving hints and tips for success in youth ministry. Enjoy. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLGLBVSpBzY&w=420&h=315]