'John Piper' Tagged Posts
The Manifold Wisdom of God
I am showing this today in our service. It reminds us that even though creation screams out His majesty and wisdom, Ephesians 3:10 tells us that it is the church that is His megaphone to the spiritual realms. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MijIrXEkSGY&noredirect=1]
You Were Predestined To Read This (Or You May Choose Not To)!
Today is a bit of a Reformed doctrine day. I do this from time to time if I find some interesting articles. Church planting requires some theological thought and reflection, as well as an appreciation for church history (even if we don’t agree with some of it). I felt like it was predestined…
Why I Trust The Bible
John Piper answers this question here. Enjoy your Sunday.
Why Should We Trust The Bible?
A video here showing a talk on this subject by John Piper.
But Doctrine is Just Soooo Boring!! Isn’t it?
By Andy Constable One of the words that is dirty among the newer generation of Christians is the word ‘doctrine’. Christians of my generation think that doctrine hinders our ‘worship’ of God rather than helps. Doctrine is something that we don’t have to think about because worship is…
“Can I Take Communion Daddy?”
So went the question this past Sunday from my 10-year-old daughter who recently made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour. My initial response was to advise her to let the elements pass her by this time and we would have a talk about it after the service. The problem is that I am not sure what my position is on this subject. We had a similar…
Does social action lead us away from the gospel?
Very often I am asked what my ‘position’ is on social justice and the gospel. Usually, I will feign a quizzical look before asking said person, ‘what do you mean by that?’ Generally, what they mean is how do I balance ‘loving people and providing for their needs over…
Making God’s Word “your thing”
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/24636511]
Can we really apply the Bible with certainty?
Three great preacher/theologians debate this. [vimeo http://vimeo.com/24635066]
Creation Concerns
1. Interesting stuff here from Challies assessing Al Mohler’s presentation of why he is a literal, 6 day creationist. 2. Should Christians embrace evolution? Book review here, again from Challies. 3. Here is John Sailhamer’s position, held by John Piper amongst others. Have fun!
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