'Calvinism' Tagged Posts

'Calvinism' Tagged Posts

You Were Predestined To Read This (Or You May Choose Not To)!

Today is a bit of a Reformed doctrine day. I do this from time to time if I find some interesting articles. Church planting requires some theological thought and reflection, as well as an appreciation for church history (even if we don’t agree with some of it). I felt like it was predestined…

Should You Pray For God To Save Your Loved Ones?

There has been a good series of debates recently on the White Horse Inn Website concerning the nuts and bolts of Calvinism and Arminianism. It is good to see robust and mutually respecting discussion on these issues instead of the usual polemics and misrepresentation around these issues from both…

For & Against Calvinism

Ed Stetzer has been researching the (so-called) rise of Calvinism in the USA and has come up with some interesting results, namely that his figures don’t actually bear it out! There is little doubt that there is a rise in the interest in the topic in the blogosphere but that is not translating to widespread growth. Here is an interesting video of ed chairing a…