Websites (Page 6)

Websites (Page 6)

The Hard Corp

Anybody else remember the days when book launches were sedate things done in coffee houses and maybe a quick plug from the pulpit?  Not these days my friends! Here is the launch video of a book written by Dai Hankey, a friend of mine who is church planting in one of the toughest estates in Wales.  It look suspiciously like a Scene from, ‘Saving Private Ryan’.…

Who Should Plant a Church?

Brent Foulke’s has written a short article here discussing this question. I would add one significant point, particularly for those planting and wanting to plant in housing schemes: perseverance. This ministry is a slow burn and the fruit can grow awfully slowly. We are in a season of fruitfulness in Niddrie right now but for a couple of years we went through a time…

How Small Churches Can Help Missions

There is a great article here published on The Gospel Coalition website here. Missions, training and church planting, particularly, do not have to be the domain of large churches. We are one of the smallest churches in the city (60 members) and I would hazard a guess that we offer one of the largest training places in Scotland for our type of ministry (9 full time…

What Kind Of Leader Are You?

I read articles on leadership from time to time. As NCC grows (we will have 12 full-time staff of all levels, including me this year) I like to keep an interest on team management/leading etc. Recently, I took an online test at which offers a ‘trust quotient self diagnostic test’. Obviously, these things can be fixed and slanted by a…

You Can Make A Pretty Girl Spiritual But You Can’t Make A Spiritual Girl Pretty!

Or so goes the (somewhat daft) saying! I don’t publish too much on the issue of singleness and dating on this blog. It’s not that I have nothing to say but it is just such an emotive subject that pretty much every ‘single’ person I know will be assuming I am talking about…