Websites (Page 7)

Websites (Page 7)

The Gospel is More Than a Story

“Christian faith is not primarily about arguing over right beliefs and doctrines, it is about letting the story of God’s grace become our story and shape our lives.” I am sure many of us (who read at least) have heard/read some version of that in recent years. “Storying” is very much in vogue in Evangelical circles right now. There is an…

Should You Pray For God To Save Your Loved Ones?

There has been a good series of debates recently on the White Horse Inn Website concerning the nuts and bolts of Calvinism and Arminianism. It is good to see robust and mutually respecting discussion on these issues instead of the usual polemics and misrepresentation around these issues from both…

5 Myths About Reformed Theology

There is a good article by Michael Horton here. On a side issue: Speaking as a  Calvinist can I say that in my experience in the UK we are a miserable breed. Some of my closest friends are Arminians and they are smart, savvy, warm and winsome in their approach to life. We can learn a lot from one another once we ease off on the polemics.

Communion: Rome v Reformed?

This is always an interesting area of debate, particularly in such a staunch Catholic stronghold such as ours in Niddrie. People may not go to church but they do hold on to their Catholicism. One topic that there tends to be a lot of confusion around is communion. There is an informative article here on some of the main points of difference. Consider the following…