'stress' Tagged Posts

'stress' Tagged Posts

15 Steps To A Long & Healthy Ministry In Housing Schemes!

Sometimes it’s the early morning phone call or the Sunday afternoon text when you’re settling down with the family. A crisis is at hand and you’re the one being called to deal with it. Emotions conflict. Is it an emergency? Can somebody else do it? Can it wait until tomorrow?…

How To Cope With The Stress Of Ministry

By Andy Constable Life in schemes can be tough at the best of times. It is, sometimes, an extremely face paced, intense ministry. I know today as I woke up that I felt tired and distracted. The business of the next couple of weeks clouded my mind. Now at this point I could (a) get on with the day and get as much as done as possible but keep stressing. Or (b) I can commit…

Are You Running on Empty (2)?

Yesterday we looked at the issue of stress and burnout. We looked at some of the ways in which over tiredness can affect us and those around us. Today, I would like to offer some practical tips to help us. Rest is such a hard thing to achieve in our frenetic culture. Finding things to do for the sheer pleasure of doing them is difficult. I read a report recently that…