'Christopher Hitchens' Tagged Posts
Christopher Hitchens v Douglas Wilson: FIGHT!
Entitled, ‘A Collision of Lives’ I have to admit that I found this documentary fascinating, not because of the level of debate (average) but because of the personal, behind the scenes glimpses, of discussion between the two men. There is a lot of ‘to-ing & fro-ing’ in terms of putting forward views, as there should be in these things. I just…
The Death of Christopher Hitchens
This is a blog about inner city church planters and so it may be a surprise to find something on the death of the so-called intellectual secularist. Despite his views I did admire his way of talking and his unflinching belief in his own unbelief. You can read a biography of his life from a Christian perspective here. I hope he didn’t go to meet the Lord the way he…