'Book review' Tagged Posts
Why the Atonement Matters for Church Planters (8)
Atonement’ edited by Gabriel Fluhrer (P&R Publishing 2010) This is a series of lectures about ‘blood’ according to the book’s sleeve and is a compilation of 8 essays on the topic by 7 evangelical theologians and pastors. Such is the importance of this subject for every Christian, whoever they…
Is There Anybody Out There? Mez’s Updated Autobiography Available Now!
by Mike Stark “This is a compelling, gripping, heart-wrenching, you-can’t-put-it-down story of sin and grace. Read this and thank God that, as Psalm 136 says, ‘His love endures forever.’” (Mark Dever) ~ Senior Pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, DC The updated…
Why The Atonement Matters For Church Planters (4)
Atonement’ edited by Gabriel Fluhrer (P&R Publishing 2010) This is a series of lectures about ‘blood’ according to the book’s sleeve and is a compilation of 8 essays on the topic by 7 evangelical theologians and pastors. Such is the importance of this subject for every Christian, whoever they…
Why The Atonement Matters For Church Planters (1)
‘Atonement’ edited by Gabriel Fluhrer (P&R Publishing 2010) This is a series of lectures about ‘blood’ according to the book’s sleeve and is a compilation of 8 essays on the topic by 7 evangelical theologians and pastors. Such is the importance of this subject for every Christian,…
Learning from the life of Jonathan Edwards (4)
Part IV: War, Princeton, Death & Other Stuff All this drama was played against a colourful worldwide backdrop. In 1754 the international scene was becoming very unstable. Benjamin Franklin met with leaders from 7 other colonies to discuss the French intentions in the frontiers. The English were…
Thirsting for God!
I am reading a new book – Thirsting for God – by Gary L Thomas. The subtext is ‘Spiritual refreshment for the sacred journey’. It sounds painfully emergent and uber cool and comes with a big fat recommendation from one Mark Driscoll. The problem is that it seems to have elicited a very caustic response from within the ‘conservative…