'Acts29WE' Tagged Posts
Leave Rap To The Experts Saddos!!
Just to prove that (c)rapness knows no cultural bounds! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnT22QImDLY] OK…this has been a ‘stop doing rap if it’s not your gig’ week. Indeed, what is worse is when churches think they’re cool by doing it as some sort of marketing tool to reach non Christians. They just think you’re tragic and very,…
The Dangers of Church Planting Too Young
This is a helpful little clip on some of the issues of young men wanting to go out and plant churches at a young age. At Niddrie we currently offering training and development to one young family looking to plant a church in a housing scheme, with the hope of many more in the future. Again, let me point you to Acts29WE if this is something that you are seriously…
Am I Really a Church Planter?
Because church planting seems to be “in” at the moment, there seems to be an endless supply of young men (and old) putting themselves forward as “planters”. Interestingly, very few feel “called” to housing schemes/council estates (although a few of us in the UK are seeing a slow but steady turn around in this). Perhaps the most popular…
An Assessment of T4G, City2City & Acts29WE Conferences
Right, let me get something straight right off the bat. I am not a conference junkie! It just so happened that I squeezed in these 3 during a manic 2 week period. In fact, this is the most conferences I have been to in 10 years! I do not usually like these things. I hate the crowds and the whole…
The Number One Requirement For Church Planting?
I have been travelling all over the place for the last 2 weeks and so I have been posting the odd blog here and there. I will catch up next week and get down to some proper writing. Read the following article from Bob Roberts (Exponential) here and see what you think. I personally think the number…
Could This Be The Best Conference For Church Planters in the World?
OK. So, I maybe exaggerated a little bit, but I bet you it is still going to be a great conference! In a recent British poll of people claiming to be ‘Christian’, less than half believed that Jesus rose from the dead. One study suggested that Christianity will be statistically irrelevant in…