Evangelism (Page 16)

Evangelism (Page 16)

Showcasing Niddrie Community Church

For the past 10 days, I’ve been putting together this short video that showcases some of the work of Niddrie Community Church. It includes: What Niddrie’s like What the church is doing How the gospel is impacting lives What our plans are for the future It’s 5½ minutes long. I’m pretty sick of the video by now, but I hope you enjoy it!…

Is youth ministry biblical? PART 2

A couple of weeks ago I introduced you to an American short film called Divided. If you missed it, here’s the first post: ‘Is youth ministry biblical?‘ As promised, I’m going to take the opportunity over the next few weeks to reflect on some of the issues raised by the movie. According to the movie, ‘youth ministry’ has no basis in Scripture,…

Culturally Relevant Evangelism

A church you know is putting on an event with classical music, poetry recitals and then offering cheese and wine (non alcoholic of course!) afterward as a way to reach unbelievers? What is our reaction to this? Another church, in an attempt to attract unbelievers, puts on a karaoke style event with a chip supper? What is our reaction to this? The temptation, depending on…

How well do we listen?

By and large Christians like to speak. They have got something of eternal significance to say after all. Many of us are poor listeners. Many Christians don’t have many non Christian friends (or any come to that). They think they do. But they don’t. If you have been a believer for any length of time, count the number of genuine non Christian friends you have.…