'the gospel coalition' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

'the gospel coalition' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

Why Our Bible Studies Are Killing People & Not Helping Them!

“When all your favorite preachers are gone, and all their books forgotten, you will have your Bible. Master it. Master it.” — John Piper Bible study is an important topic for all of us trying to help people grow in the knowledge of God and for pointing unbelievers to Jesus Christ.…

Do We Really Need Youth Ministry?

Our Children’s & Youth Ministry at Niddrie is currently going through somewhat of an overhaul. Working with teenagers on the scheme is brutal and slow work. The children’s ministries in general have lacked cohesion and so we are working hard at trying to bring everything together towards a united vision and purpose. The whole issue of whether youth…

What Should Christians Really Think About the Homosexual Marriage Debate?

The issue, as per usual, is all over the media once again. Hats off to the homosexual lobby for keeping this issue alive. I read somewhere that there are less homosexuals in our country than evangelicals, but whilst we all waste time fighting about hymn books and the use of drums in worship, they…

What is the one thing Pastors should be competent to do?

I am a physician with but one medicine to prescribe, and that is the gospel of Christ. It may need to be applied in various ways, various aspects of it may need to receive the right emphasis, and it may need to be administered in the right form. But only the gospel of Jesus Christ can heal the…

When Can I Get Baptised Daddy?

So, here is an update on yesterday’s blog. At tea time the girls and I sat at the table and discussed the whole issue of whether they can and should take communion. In response to questioning both girls reiterated their conversion experience as having “repented of their sins and trusted in Jesus”. When I asked what they thought was the significance of…

8 Keys to Housing Scheme Gospel Ministry (6) Church Based Community Development (b)

Mark Dever notes on The Gospel Coalition blog, that: Since the Fall, the trajectory of unredeemed human history—the City of Man—is always in the Bible to judgment (the Flood, Babel, Canaan, Egypt, Jerusalem, Babylon, Rome & then Rev. 19). (Not quite as universal as gravity, but seemingly as…
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