'Singleness' Tagged Posts
You Can Make A Pretty Girl Spiritual But You Can’t Make A Spiritual Girl Pretty!
Or so goes the (somewhat daft) saying! I don’t publish too much on the issue of singleness and dating on this blog. It’s not that I have nothing to say but it is just such an emotive subject that pretty much every ‘single’ person I know will be assuming I am talking about…
Driscoll on Why Jesus Created Sex
Mark Driscoll has hit the headlines in the UK again. The difference now is that the secular media have picked up on his ministry and his so-called ‘controversial’ new book. See the report from The Mail here. I have to warn you that this Newspaper (if I can call it that) does not exactly have a reputation for fair and balanced reporting! Regardless, they have…
What not to say to single women in your church (or men for that matter)!
A helpful link here from Kevin DeYoung on the thorny issue of singleness and how we should fight the urge to say stupid things and give out cliched advice.