'pornography' Tagged Posts
Don Carson on Pursuing Holiness & Fighting Pornography
There is a great three minute interview here with Don on the issue of holiness and pornography.
Let’s Talk About Sex Baby!!
Desiring God have produced a great article here on “Sexual Sin in the ministry”. Read it here. On a related issue, Covenant Eyes have produced a free e-book for those struggling with pornography. Download it here. In our ministry in Niddrie there are so many people (men and women) who struggle with this issue. This is why we place such an emphasis on one to…
Are You a Porn Addict?
by Andy Constable We live in a highly sexualised culture with a multi billion pound sex industry. In the USA, 3000 dollars per second is spent on pornography. Sadly, this is a problem that many Christian men struggle with. They try to escape the reality of their lives through sexual fantasising. They give in to their lusts and seek fulfillment through sexual…
Driscoll on Why Jesus Created Sex
Mark Driscoll has hit the headlines in the UK again. The difference now is that the secular media have picked up on his ministry and his so-called ‘controversial’ new book. See the report from The Mail here. I have to warn you that this Newspaper (if I can call it that) does not exactly have a reputation for fair and balanced reporting! Regardless, they have…
Let’s Talk About Sex!
Every pastor I know has a story to tell of somebody they know and/or knew in the ministry who has fallen foul of sexual infidelity or some sort of deep seated, habitual sexual sin. I have been a pastor for 13 years and I can tell you from personal experience that I am counselling more men than ever before on pornography issues. Many of us in ministry will read that last…
A Post for Perverts
This is a very good post about the whole issue of pornography in the church and how it is weakening many families within the body of Christ. This is a major, major issue and we are foolish if we don’t realise just how widespread it is in our culture. Check out the article here.