'Perseverance' Tagged Posts
Who Should Plant a Church?
Brent Foulke’s has written a short article here discussing this question. I would add one significant point, particularly for those planting and wanting to plant in housing schemes: perseverance. This ministry is a slow burn and the fruit can grow awfully slowly. We are in a season of fruitfulness in Niddrie right now but for a couple of years we went through a time…
T4G Conference 2012: When We Feel Like Giving Up (6)
“The Temptation to Lose Heart” Speaker: CJ Mahaney Text: 2 Corinthians 4 Title: The Sustaining Power of the Gospel I always find CJ to be an immensely pastoral type speaker (with a tendency to wander off the beaten track from time to time!) and this message was no different. His basic…
The Doctrine of Perseverance: Does it Matter for Housing Schemes?
The Canons of Dort call the doctrine of the preservation/perseverance of the saints, (sometimes called the preservation of the elect), an “inestimable treasure.” See here for a more detailed position and an outline of mistakes to avoid in this discussion. Perseverance may be defined as that…
How Should We Respond When People Attack Us?
By Andy Constable Four weeks ago, at 11pm on a Friday night, our door bell rang. My wife and I were asleep and we ignored it because we thought it was kids messing about. But it rang again and so I got up and opened the door to find our neighbour at there. She apologised for waking us up but thought we would like to know that our car windows had been smashed. I peered out…