'Paul Tripp' Tagged Posts

'Paul Tripp' Tagged Posts

Don’t Just Sing About It! Start Worshipping God Today & Everyday!

By Andy Constable Recently, I have been doing a series in the evenings on the subject of Biblical Worship. It is an important subject to think about in a culture where worship is simply seen as what we sing on a Sunday and/or, perhaps, connected with having an emotional experience. Because of the…

Our children in a ‘moral abyss’

A couple of weeks back, I wrote a post about our decision to invest more heavily in the children’s work at NCC. As a ‘youth’ worker, I’ve always been a bit reticent about doing children’s work – I don’t really enjoy it, though I recognise the need for it! Dr Helen Wright, head teacher of St Mary’s Calne, Wiltshire and President of the Girls’ School Association was quoted…

Blog Posts of The Week!

Here are some of the more interesting blogs (to me anyway) that I have found recently. Can I just reiterate that just because I am posting them does not necessarily mean that I agree with everything written or stated. I like to put up things that provoke at least some thought and discussion. I also like to put up some fun stuff. So, to those of you who complain about the…