'NiddriePastor' Tagged Posts (Page 9)

'NiddriePastor' Tagged Posts (Page 9)

Is Church Membership Biblical?

Great post here by Matt Chandler. It is very cool these days to slate the local church, particularly amongst young, studenty types who naively think that church boils down to three of or four people meeting together to slag off local (and often very traditional congregations). The church is the bride of Christ and He gave His lifeblood for her. Many of us do well to…

Seeking Pastoral Leadership

A very helpful article here for those beginning to investigate whether pastoral ministry is for them. Some very helpful tips, particularly in relationship to gaining hands on experience in local churches. We should take every opportunity we can to serve and to preach. We run a preaching feedback system here in Niddrie which I hope most of our preachers find helpful.