'ministry' Tagged Posts
15 Steps To A Long & Healthy Ministry In Housing Schemes!
Sometimes it’s the early morning phone call or the Sunday afternoon text when you’re settling down with the family. A crisis is at hand and you’re the one being called to deal with it. Emotions conflict. Is it an emergency? Can somebody else do it? Can it wait until tomorrow?…
Five Tips on How to Survive Long Term in Housing Schemes
By Andy Constable It can be tough working and living in a scheme at the same time. There are the ‘normal’ ministerial pressures like preparing sermons, counselling and driving the vision of the church forward. And then there are the added stresses like reaching out to the people on the scheme and…
The Importance of a Good Wife
A fourth threat to undermine a man’s ministry is a nonsupportive wife. It could also extend to the children, but particularly a nonsupportive wife, one who nags and battles a pastor as he tries to be faithful and loyal to the Lord and the church. If she is negative on the church or the people in it, or if she is spiritually out of sorts or materialistic and self-indulgent…