'Ligonier Ministries' Tagged Posts
Starting The New Year Off Right: Bible Reading Plans For 2013.
Happy New Year to one and all! Can I start off my thanking those of you who take the time to log in and read some of my thoughts from time to time. I am constantly amazed at the numbers who read this blog from around the globe. It is with this in mind, alongside the launch of 20schemes, that this…
Biblical Preaching Radio
Here’s a web station from Ligonier Ministries that you will find helpful. It covers music, debate, sermons and lectures form a host of men including, OS Guiness, RC Sproul & Alistair Begg. Listen here.
It Takes a Church to Raise a Child!
On Sunday evening I have been teaching a parenting class for a group of about 15 people crammed into my front room. One of the dangers of parenting courses is that people think they are only applicable for those with children. Singles think they have no need to know, older couples think they have done it all, those struggling with having children find it difficult and…
Christopher Hitchens v Douglas Wilson: FIGHT!
Entitled, ‘A Collision of Lives’ I have to admit that I found this documentary fascinating, not because of the level of debate (average) but because of the personal, behind the scenes glimpses, of discussion between the two men. There is a lot of ‘to-ing & fro-ing’ in terms of putting forward views, as there should be in these things. I just…
Should we feel guilty for being comfortable when so many people suffer?
A welcome, balanced thought here on what can sometimes be a very emotive discussion on the issue of the poor and our response as ‘rich’ Christians.
Free Ministry Leadership Conference!!
You need to get on to this site here to watch the Ligonier 2009 Leadership Conference. You would be foolish not to get on this!! You have Sproul, Lawson, Ferguson & Duncan doing the bizz – you have to love that (even if you don’t agree with everything).