'Jonathan Edwards' Tagged Posts
Learning from the life of Jonathan Edwards (4)
Part IV: War, Princeton, Death & Other Stuff All this drama was played against a colourful worldwide backdrop. In 1754 the international scene was becoming very unstable. Benjamin Franklin met with leaders from 7 other colonies to discuss the French intentions in the frontiers. The English were…
Learning from the life of Jonathan Edwards (3)
Part III: Sacked, Yet More Opposition, Indians & Other Stuff In the public arena, at least, the ‘Northampton Controversy’ of 1749 was concerned with Edward’s supposedly ‘new’ view on Communion and Baptism (he denied the charge that it was new). Edward’s wanted to restrict communion to believing…
Learning from the life of Jonathan Edwards (2)
Part II: Snappy Book Titles, More Revival, Opposition & Other Stuff What I particularly like about this biography is that it never seeks to paint Edwards in a sinless light. His weaknesses are laid bare, not least his tendency for hyperbole in some of his writings, but also his penchant for…
Learning from the life of Jonathan Edwards (1)
A sizeable 615 pages (the last 100 or so being footnotes and appendices), this is the sort of book that strikes fear into all but the most avid of readers. It looks unwieldy and intimidating but I think that it is so good that it merits a long review over 4 parts. Part I: His Early Years, Revival…