'Jesus Christ' Tagged Posts
Discipleship: What Does it Really Look LIke?
Thomas Chalmers, the well-known Scottish preacher, in his famous sermon, “The Expulsive Power of a New Affection,” says it all: “Seldom do any of our habits or flaws disappear by a process of extinction through reasoning or “by the mere force of mental determination.” Reason and willpower are not enough. “But what cannot be destroyed may be dispossessed… The only…
The Number One Requirement For Church Planting?
I have been travelling all over the place for the last 2 weeks and so I have been posting the odd blog here and there. I will catch up next week and get down to some proper writing. Read the following article from Bob Roberts (Exponential) here and see what you think. I personally think the number…
50 Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die!
I really like the Sojourn Network and this is an apposite post for this time of year. Click here to check it out! Happy Easter!
Are You a Porn Addict?
by Andy Constable We live in a highly sexualised culture with a multi billion pound sex industry. In the USA, 3000 dollars per second is spent on pornography. Sadly, this is a problem that many Christian men struggle with. They try to escape the reality of their lives through sexual fantasising. They give in to their lusts and seek fulfillment through sexual…