'JD Greear' Tagged Posts
Homosexuality, Christianity & The Gospel
JD Greear has written a four part article here on this controversial issue. Worth a read.
An Assessment of T4G, City2City & Acts29WE Conferences
Right, let me get something straight right off the bat. I am not a conference junkie! It just so happened that I squeezed in these 3 during a manic 2 week period. In fact, this is the most conferences I have been to in 10 years! I do not usually like these things. I hate the crowds and the whole…
Could This Be The Best Conference For Church Planters in the World?
OK. So, I maybe exaggerated a little bit, but I bet you it is still going to be a great conference! In a recent British poll of people claiming to be ‘Christian’, less than half believed that Jesus rose from the dead. One study suggested that Christianity will be statistically irrelevant in…