'God' Tagged Posts
A Chance to Marvel at God’s Handiwork & My Holiday for 3 Weeks
I am going away with my family for a holiday for the next 3 weeks. That’s means that I won’t be writing any serious articles for a while. However, I have left some interesting links for one of my team to post on here daily. I hope you find them helpful. I am taking quite a lot of…
Something From Nothing?
Continuing my apologetics weekend, here is a great link to a brilliant article by Peter. S. Williams on the “Bethinking” website. Take your time and enjoy it here. Who Designed the Designer? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vV0_nZvJfeI#!] If you’re really into this stuff – here’s 2 hours of debate!…
Do You have to Believe in God to be a Christian?
This made me proper mad! watch?v=rWxJyoODSZg&feature=player_embedded
Working With Addictions (4) Dealing With The Double Minded
This is Part 4 of a series I started some time ago on how to work with those with addictions. Parts I, II & III can be found by clicking on the number. How many people do we know that have ‘original’ opinions on anything? The media have saturated our lives to such an extent that…
Working With Addictions (3) “Do They Really Want To Change?”
Often, I will get people to circle one or more of the following that they think is true about them. Do you really want to change? Circle that which applies to you: No, not really. Yes, but I know that this isn’t going to work Yes, but only when I don’t have strong cravings Yes, but I don’t know…
London’s Burning – A Biblical View
Every single newspaper is full of headlines about the riots that started in London and are now spreading to other cities in the UK. There is much hand wringing and political point scoring going on. The Left wingers are using it as an opportunity to disparage the government cuts (conveniently…
I Don’t believe that MY God would……
This is a thoughtful little clip which should give us all pause for thought. I sat in a room this week and the conversation moved to ‘women pastors’ ‘homosexuals; ‘hell’ ‘the truthfulness of the Bible’. Nearly every person involved used the phrase ‘I…