'Desiring God' Tagged Posts
Why I’m Only Ever A Second Away From Sexual Sin
I was deeply saddened this week to hear of an extremely close pastor friend of mine who had succumbed to temptation and committed adultery. He has not been married for very long, he was pastoring a growing church and he was also the vice president of a Bible College. I have yet to ascertain all the…
What Are We Really Teaching Our Children About God & The Church?
I saw this video ages ago and I may have even posted it before but I am still deeply challenged in many different ways every time I watch it. How little we really know about the people we sit next to in our churches each week. May God help each of us to live lives that are more transparent,…
Why Are You So Intolerant Of My Intolerance?
This is a smart little post on the Desiring God blog. It really does show up the intellectual confusion surrounding the whole issue of ‘tolerance’ in our society. Read it here.
Don Carson on Pursuing Holiness & Fighting Pornography
There is a great three minute interview here with Don on the issue of holiness and pornography.
Let’s Talk About Sex Baby!!
Desiring God have produced a great article here on “Sexual Sin in the ministry”. Read it here. On a related issue, Covenant Eyes have produced a free e-book for those struggling with pornography. Download it here. In our ministry in Niddrie there are so many people (men and women) who struggle with this issue. This is why we place such an emphasis on one to…