'Depression' Tagged Posts
Preventing Burnout In Housing Scheme Ministry!
Ministry in any context is tough but ministry in housing schemes can be the cause of much burnout, stress and depression among pastors, planters and gospel workers. In Brasil we saw people come and go, attracted by the romance of working with street children, but soon demoralised by the reality…
Blog Posts of The Week!
Here are some of the more interesting blogs (to me anyway) that I have found recently. Can I just reiterate that just because I am posting them does not necessarily mean that I agree with everything written or stated. I like to put up things that provoke at least some thought and discussion. I also like to put up some fun stuff. So, to those of you who complain about the…
Soul Sadness
I have just read an interesting quote. ‘A Pharisee who does nothing but focus on avoiding sin is still concentrating on sin, which makes him or her just as obsessed with sin as the person who voraciously lives in it. Both are consumed by sin – one to avoid it, the other to live in it. Both lack the joy, peace and freedom of life in Christ.’ (p88.…