'church planting' Tagged Posts (Page 9)

'church planting' Tagged Posts (Page 9)

Are you running on empty (1)?

We all know that feeling when Monday morning feels like Friday evening and the energy levels are at an all time low. The question of how we recharge our batteries spiritually, physically and mentally is important for church planters, pastors and inner city church workers. I have just spent some time with a dear friend of mine and as a fellow labourer in the gospel it was…

The power of an invitation

by Mike Stark This past week we’ve had another team over from Champion Forest Baptist Church, Houston, Texas. This is the second team we’ve had over from the US this year. Its always a great encouragement to us as a church, as the Americans inject a bit of money, man-power, and enthusiasm to the work in Niddrie. On Saturday night we had an X-Factor style…

Wanted: Female Youth Worker

by Mike Stark One of my overall strategies for the future of the youth ministry at Niddrie Community Church is to have youth work shared between a team of committed leaders. One of the things I have become increasingly aware of in Niddrie over the past 2 years is that I’m incapable of having a significant impact in the lives of young people in Niddrie by myself. A…

Introducing Church Planting in Madagascar!

Tell us a little about yourself My name is Tanteraka. English folk call me “Tank”.  I’m married with one wife! Her name is Jaela and we’ve got one baby girl coming soon in December. I’m 28 years old and my wife is 21. Tell us a little about the area you work in The area we work in is Antananarivo. It’s the capital city of Madagascar, an island situated 400 km east…

Introducing Church Planting in Dubai!

One of the things I am very keen to do is to interview as many church planters as I possible can to see what we can learn from their experience and to share encouragements, ideas and resources. I am currently doing an Intensive course with Redeemer City to City, with a group of about 12 or so other planters from around the globe. One of then, Dave Furman has kindly agreed…

Growing Indigenous Leaders

We’re really blessed on the ministry team here at NCC to have 8 individuals with different gifts, abilities, and backgrounds. We wouldn’t be so effective as a team if we were all the same as Mez. God intends for His church to be a diverse body of believers (Rom 12:4-10, 1 Cor 12:14-31), and the ministry team benefits from a similar diversity. It would be…