'church planting' Tagged Posts (Page 4)

'church planting' Tagged Posts (Page 4)

Multiplying Churches in Housing Schemes!

My team and I were recently discussing one of the units of our current Porterbrook Training course which was looking at the whole idea of reproducing churches, ministries and missionaries. I was personally struck by the catchphrase of the Chinese church: “Everyone is a church planter”. According to our reading one of the key factors in reproducing growing…

Help! I Want to Plant a Church But My Wife’s Not So Keen!

This has become something of an ‘issue’ for many men I have known in the last 5 years. I don’t know if it is because we work in a housing scheme or if the problem is more widespread. In my 13 years in the ministry I can say without doubt that one of the biggest causes of…

10 Tips for New Church Planters

1. Make sure that your personal walk with Jesus is firing on all cylinders. Take the time each day to be with God in His Word, meditate on what the Spirit is saying to you and pray that He would fill you and keep you in step with His will for your life. 2. Remember that your family is your primary mission field. They must take priority, particularly when the children are…

Am I Really a Church Planter?

Because church planting seems to be “in” at the moment, there seems to be an endless supply of young men (and old) putting themselves forward as “planters”. Interestingly, very few feel “called” to housing schemes/council estates (although a few of us in the UK are seeing a slow but steady turn around in this). Perhaps the most popular…

An Assessment of T4G, City2City & Acts29WE Conferences

Right, let me get something straight right off the bat. I am not a conference junkie! It just so happened that I squeezed in these 3 during a manic 2 week period. In fact, this is the most conferences I have been to in 10 years! I do not usually like these things. I hate the crowds and the whole…

The Number One Requirement For Church Planting?

I have been travelling all over the place for the last 2 weeks and so I have been posting the odd blog here and there. I will catch up next week and get down to some proper writing. Read the following article from Bob Roberts (Exponential) here and see what you think. I personally think the number…

Church Planting in Belfast!

I got this little video from Vimeo as I wait to publish a fuller interview of Lucas on the blog soon. It doesn’t give loads of details but it does two things: (1) It at least shows his mug and a little about his vision and (2) it introduces Acts 29WE, and organisation I am going to blog about shortly. Bottom line: He’s a church planter and we love those!!…