'church planters' Tagged Posts
Who Should Plant a Church?
Brent Foulke’s has written a short article here discussing this question. I would add one significant point, particularly for those planting and wanting to plant in housing schemes: perseverance. This ministry is a slow burn and the fruit can grow awfully slowly. We are in a season of fruitfulness in Niddrie right now but for a couple of years we went through a time…
Four Reminders For Church Planters & Pastors
A good little post here from my pals at the Sojourn Network.
Help! I Want to Plant a Church But My Wife’s Not So Keen!
This has become something of an ‘issue’ for many men I have known in the last 5 years. I don’t know if it is because we work in a housing scheme or if the problem is more widespread. In my 13 years in the ministry I can say without doubt that one of the biggest causes of…
Transforming Peoples Lives in Inner City Belfast!
Check out the work of Jonathan Pollock in a difficult part of inner Belfast. Follow him @jonnypollock. If you know of any other church planters/pastors working in inner city areas (any country, but particularly Europe) where we could highlight their work, show a film (if they’ve produced one)…
Are You a Controlling Leader?
Church planters and pastors of all ilks are united by the fact that they (normally) have strong personalities. This is doubly so for those of us who work in housing schemes and/or other similar situations. We have to lead, often make snap decisions and carry/encourage/develop/mentor a group of people seeking to live for Christ in hard places. I have to work very hard with…
Urban Myth: Inner City Young People Can’t Listen to Sermons!
by Mike Stark Most of us are familiar with the terms ADD or ADHD (attention deficit disorder, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). We work with and know many local children who have been diagnosed as such, placing them in a box and giving them a medical label to help them understand their…
PROXIMITY: For People Interested In Urban Ministry
Incarnational Living | Church Planting | Urban Youth Ministry | Missional Community| Urban Church Proximity 2012 is a conference happening this May (25th-26th) in Salford, hosted by the Eden Network. It aims to bring these five streams above together in one place for two days of vision,…
What Happens When Your Church has No Christian Youth?
by Mike Stark (Children’s, Youth & Community Worker) Historically, we haven’t had many ‘Christian’ young people in Niddrie Community Church. We have a vibrant and active work among children and youth in the community, yet this is almost exclusively evangelistic, rather than…
Evangelising the Young on Housing Schemes
by Mike Stark (Youth & School’s Worker for NCC) I recently attended “Deep Impact”, Scotland’s National Christian Youth Work Conference in Aviemore. I came back refreshed, inspired and excited about all the work ahead. I’ve got a lot to reflect on over the next couple of weeks: the people I met, the things I learned, and truths I just…
How Social Media is Changing the Way we do Youth Ministry
“I’d die if I didn’t have my BlackBerry.” Recent comment from young person According to the news, a UK survey shows that TV is being pushed aside by mobile internet devices in the lives of young people. Among 7-16 year olds, 61% have a mobile phone with internet access, and use that phone for an…