'Al Mohler' Tagged Posts
Where Was God At The Denver Shooting?
Al Mohler gets to grip with the problem of evil here.
The Marks of ‘real’ Manhood
Yesterday, my Pastoral Assistant, Andy Constable, posted on the issue of men and laziness. This begs the question of what constitutes real manhood in our feminised society which has blurred the distinctions between men and women, often not for the better. The ‘Mark Driscoll’ response to this has been to call for men to beat their chests, grab a keg of beer and…
Creation Concerns
1. Interesting stuff here from Challies assessing Al Mohler’s presentation of why he is a literal, 6 day creationist. 2. Should Christians embrace evolution? Book review here, again from Challies. 3. Here is John Sailhamer’s position, held by John Piper amongst others. Have fun!