Working With Addiction (Page 2)

Working With Addiction (Page 2)

Scotland’s Forgotten, Rural Housing Schemes

In all the recent talk of the city as the main focus of church planting and theological thought (at least in many quarters) it seems that rural ministry is a bit like the ugly girl at a wedding. Everybody knows she’s there but nobody wants to dance with her. It’s not my intent to talk…

Church Planting Resources

Here are some resources from the Geneva Push 2011 Conference. As with all things, this is not a wholehearted recommendation for all of the content. But it is worth a perusal. Click here.

Why Glasgow Needs 20 Schemes!

Watch this short film on gang culture in Glasgow’s housing schemes. People ask me if we are exaggerating the problem in our country. See for yourself. What is the solution to these issues? The young man at the end of this film thinks it is about more social services but I think we should be planting gospel centred churches. [youtube=] Find…

Stateless Children In The UK

[youtube=] Just in case you think statelessness is another country’s problem consider the following BBC report. Click on the following link here to find out about the stateless children wandering the streets of the UK. Many of London’s stateless youths came to the UK legally, but were never…

Holiness & The Church Planter

“For this is the will of God, your sanctification” (1 Thessalonians 4:3). At our “In this City” Conference last night, Tim Chester was looking at the issue of the church planter and purity. Character before gifts is a fundamental premise of all Christian leadership and Crossway have produced a helpful list of e-books on the topic of pursuing holiness. Worth…

40 Reasons Why The Local Church Is Important

Is it possible to live a faithful Christian life without being a faithful part of a local church? I’ve heard many people make the argument that it is indeed possible—especially if there are no good churches around. I disagree. At the bare minimum, there are forty different commands in the New Testament to live life in some sense with other believers. For the rest of this…

Church Planting Opportunity In Northern Edinburgh!

Niddrie Community Church, as part of our 20Schemes initiative, are currently involved in a year-long assessment of the viability of a church plant in West Pilton, one of  Edinburgh’s toughest housing schemes. Here is a short film highlighting the needs of this work. FYI: I am very happy in…

How Our Leaders Are Losing Their Grip & Why We’re Happy About It

I recently spent a couple of days away with our Ministry Team in order to discuss polices, have some concentrated teaching and enjoy a bit of fun and fellowship. We try to do it every year in order to welcome any new faces into the fold. This year there were 13 people and their families present.…

20 Schemes: ‘Gospel Churches For Scotland’s Poorest’ (1)

This week saw the launch of a new website: to go alongside our Facebook page and our twitter feed: @20schemes. So, what is 20schemes and how did it come about? 20schemes is the brainchild of myself and Matthew Spandler-Davison, a Scotsman (despite the mangled accent on our video)…

20 Schemes – Gospel Churches For Scotland’s Poorest

We are launching our Niddrie’s new church planting initiative in the next few weeks. We currently have a Facebook page which you can like here. This weekend we will be launching our new website. Last week, as many of you know, we launched in America at the SEBTs 2012, 9Marks Conference and we…