Preaching (Page 5)

Preaching (Page 5)

Why The Trinity Matters!

By Andy Constable Last week we were at a conference for gospel centred churches who are working in housing scheme/housing estate ministry. The conference was focused on the book of Titus and the main speakers did a great job at expounding it for the context of estate ministries. One of the things that struck me at the conference was Titus 1:1: “Paul, a servant of God and…

Am I Really a Church Planter?

Because church planting seems to be “in” at the moment, there seems to be an endless supply of young men (and old) putting themselves forward as “planters”. Interestingly, very few feel “called” to housing schemes/council estates (although a few of us in the UK are seeing a slow but steady turn around in this). Perhaps the most popular…

Reaching The Unreached 2012: Getting Started & Keeping Going!

This is a conference for those working in inner city areas, council estates and housing schemes. Check out their website here. This is a preview of their conference this week where I will be speaking twice. Please pray for it and for the many faithful pastors, evangelists and gospel workers in the…

Building a Gospel Centred Community

by Andy Constable I am very privileged to work in an environment that is gospel focused. I came onto the Niddrie team 2 years ago and one of the reasons for doing so was because Mez’s vision was and is to bring the gospel to bear in his life, the life of the church and into the community of Niddrie. I haven’t had to build a gospel community because the building…

T4G Conference 2012: Missionary Pastors Grow Missionary Churches (7)

Speaker: David Platt Text: Revelation 5 Title: Divine Sovereignty: The Fuel of Death-Defying Missions Find the sermon online here. For those of you who have been following these posts, this is my final one. The more beady eyed among you will know that there were 9 main sessions at T4G but I only…

T4G Conference 2012: When We Feel Like Giving Up (6)

“The Temptation to Lose Heart” Speaker: CJ Mahaney Text: 2 Corinthians 4 Title: The Sustaining Power of the Gospel I always find CJ to be an immensely pastoral type speaker (with a tendency to wander off the beaten track from time to time!) and this message was no different. His basic…

T4G Conference 2012 (5): The Message That Saved My Ministry!

Speaker: Ligon Duncan Text: 1 Kings 19 Title: The Underestimated God: God’s Ruthless, Compassionate Grace in the Pursuit of His Own Glory and His Ministers’ Joy I tell you what they don’t go for the snappy soundbite titles these boys! This one was definitely up there for the…

What is the one thing Pastors should be competent to do?

I am a physician with but one medicine to prescribe, and that is the gospel of Christ. It may need to be applied in various ways, various aspects of it may need to receive the right emphasis, and it may need to be administered in the right form. But only the gospel of Jesus Christ can heal the…

T4G Conference 2012: Relating it to Housing Schemes (3)

Speaker: Mark Dever Text: 1 Timothy 4:16 Title: False Conversions: The Suicide of the Church This was more a talk than an exegetical message. I have to confess that I didn’t stay for the whole of this message (give me a break – I stayed for an hour!) but I will record what I heard. Mark…