Blog (Page 4)

Blog (Page 4)

Deprived or Scroungers? Working in Housing Schemes

Benefit claimants have been in the news again this week and it prompted me to dig out an old post and somewhat adapt it. I definitely want to blog more on this topic and I am hoping to include a chapter in my upcoming book. For now, here is an old article on the BBC website. Please take the time to…

Gospel Church For Scotland’s Poorest: New Video

Please take and use this video on your blogs/Facebook pages and even consider showing it in your church service(s). 20schemes is making more contacts across Scotland every week with people and churches looking for support in some of the country’s poorest areas. We currently have several…

BBC Children In Need, Alan Hansen, Kids In The street & Niddrie

This is a short film shown as an appeal in the BBC Children In Need programme recently. I am showing it because the man on the film, Kev Finlay, is a great guy. The church has been working with him over the last year or so in a number of ways, including football, and he is currently helping us…

My Daughter’s Testimony

Yesterday was a great day for NCC as we witnessed the baptism of 5 people; 4 grown men and my 11-year-old daughter, Keziah. I am going to put all of the testimonies on the site over the next few days but I am starting with Keziah today. It was amazing listening to the stories of how different men had battled prison, drugs, mental health and family breakdown before the…