Leadership/Ministry Training (Page 5)

Leadership/Ministry Training (Page 5)

How Do We Reach People On Housing Schemes With The Gospel?

I often get asked how and why we have so many contacts and have so many unchurched people attending our services throughout the week. The answer is quite simple: 1. We pray for people. Are you really praying for people in your area, consistently, specifically an intelligently. when I first came to…

Why Our Bible Studies Are Killing People & Not Helping Them!

“When all your favorite preachers are gone, and all their books forgotten, you will have your Bible. Master it. Master it.” — John Piper Bible study is an important topic for all of us trying to help people grow in the knowledge of God and for pointing unbelievers to Jesus Christ.…

Help! I Want to Plant a Church But My Wife’s Not So Keen!

This has become something of an ‘issue’ for many men I have known in the last 5 years. I don’t know if it is because we work in a housing scheme or if the problem is more widespread. In my 13 years in the ministry I can say without doubt that one of the biggest causes of…

Why The Trinity Matters!

By Andy Constable Last week we were at a conference for gospel centred churches who are working in housing scheme/housing estate ministry. The conference was focused on the book of Titus and the main speakers did a great job at expounding it for the context of estate ministries. One of the things that struck me at the conference was Titus 1:1: “Paul, a servant of God and…

10 Tips for New Church Planters

1. Make sure that your personal walk with Jesus is firing on all cylinders. Take the time each day to be with God in His Word, meditate on what the Spirit is saying to you and pray that He would fill you and keep you in step with His will for your life. 2. Remember that your family is your primary mission field. They must take priority, particularly when the children are…

Am I Really a Church Planter?

Because church planting seems to be “in” at the moment, there seems to be an endless supply of young men (and old) putting themselves forward as “planters”. Interestingly, very few feel “called” to housing schemes/council estates (although a few of us in the UK are seeing a slow but steady turn around in this). Perhaps the most popular…