Leadership/Ministry Training (Page 13)

Leadership/Ministry Training (Page 13)

When Helping Hurts

This is an extremely provocative book and I absolutely loved it. Although written for a North American cultural mindset, it is certainly applicable across much of Europe. The byline is, ‘How to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor..and yourself’. We live in a culture where the concept of a ‘missions trip’ is now almost the ‘done…

Is Our Kindness Helping Or Hurting People?

What enters our minds when we think of inner city housing schemes, council estates and/or projects? What do the residents need to alleviate the problems they face? It is easy to try to appease a guilty conscience by doing ‘good stuff’ in these areas. Maybe helping out in a children’s club or doing some other community project. Social projects are two a…

‘Off the shelf’ Christmas assemblies for schools

Being the new chaplain on the scene, it falls to me to deliver this year’s Christmas assembly in the local high school next week. The expectation is for me to deliver a short seasonal message to a large group of teenagers (who don’t really want to be there) to help them think more about Christmas.…

Sharing Your Faith With Those Who Know You Best!

What a great, free resource here from Crossway. It is an ebook giving some pointers on how to witness to family, friends and those who know us well. As we know, they are often more difficult to reach out to than strangers. Obvioulsy, very American and a bit ‘Waltonesque’ but it is free!…

Why should we send our best people to Bible College? (3)

As I have previously stated, I believe that there needs to be some form of moratorium between evangelical churches and Bible Colleges in our country. We need to ask some tough questions. Who exactly is serving who? Who are many of our Bible Colleges actually accountable to? What figures do we have…

Why should we send our best people to Bible College? (2)

After a huge response to this article (thanks to those who wrote to me personally) I have decided to just try and elucidate a little more clearly on some of my points. I was inspired to do this from a friend who sent me a 40 year old article on my facebook page. Entitled: ‘Proposal for a New…