Leadership/Ministry Training (Page 12)

Leadership/Ministry Training (Page 12)

A Blog for The American Mega-Pastor!

Mark Driscoll has been causing fisticuffs again amongst British Pastors over a recent interview in the UK in which he, apparently, accuses British Pastors of not manning up and preaching the gospel boldly. He also accuses his host, Justin Brierley, known to many pastors in the UK (not to me), of being a liberal (if he believes what Driscoll claims he does then he is a…

Driscoll on Why Jesus Created Sex

Mark Driscoll has hit the headlines in the UK again. The difference now is that the secular media have picked up on his ministry and his so-called ‘controversial’ new book. See the report from The Mail here. I have to warn you that this Newspaper (if I can call it that) does not exactly have a reputation for fair and balanced reporting! Regardless, they have…

Understanding the people we are trying to reach for Jesus

Research is a key component in any kind of church ministry. It doesn’t matter whether you are in a settled congregation, renewing a dying work, or planting from scratch, we need to research. What kind of church do we want to be? If we are going to answer this question with any degree of…

Don’t work in schemes if you can’t use your brain!

By Andy Constable Biblical thinking can very often be in short supply among many young Christians who want to work in ‘poorer’ areas. They can be guilty of explicitly reasoning that ‘thinking’ is somehow unspiritual or implicitly believing that the people they are working with only need…