'Theology' Tagged Posts

'Theology' Tagged Posts

5 Myths About Reformed Theology

There is a good article by Michael Horton here. On a side issue: Speaking as a  Calvinist can I say that in my experience in the UK we are a miserable breed. Some of my closest friends are Arminians and they are smart, savvy, warm and winsome in their approach to life. We can learn a lot from one another once we ease off on the polemics.

Killing Sin Before It Kills You!

“He that trades sensuality for Pharisaism has not mortified sin… He has changed his master, but he is a servant still.” (John Owen) [vimeo http://vimeo.com/43983757] The Resurgence website has a 12 page analytical survey of John Owen’s position on the mortification of sin and can be downloaded in pdf here.

Rediscovering The Lost Gospel

I have been studying several books on the gospel in recent weeks as I research a chapter for an upcoming book. I have to confess at the outset that whilst I have heard of Darrell Bock, I have never read any of his writings. I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect as I opened it but I have to say that for its 136 pages it is real value for money. Bock felt the need to…