'The reformed Pastor' Tagged Posts
The Reformed Pastor 6: Humiliation (1)
As he moves toward the application of his book, Baxter spends a great deal of his time in a large chapter on the subject of ‘humiliation’, or what we would call ‘humility’ in the modern day language. His great fear for himself and for all in pastoral ministry is that we become proud and arrogant as we seek to minister to the soul’s of our…
The Reformed Pastor (5)
The last time we looked at the manner in which a man must shepherd his flock. This time we look at some of the motivations which drive us to shepherd our local congregations. 1. ‘To be a bishop or a pastor is not to be set up as an idol for the people to bow to, or as idle “slow bellies,” to love to our fleshly delight and ease; but it is to be the guide…
The Reformed Pastor (3)
The Nature Of This Oversight Having encouraged us to take ourselves in hand before we are better able to minister to others, Baxter now goes on to explain what it means to ‘take heed to all the flock.’ Let’s remind ourselves of Acts 20:28 again. I will highlight the part related to today’s study. ‘Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock…