'the poor' Tagged Posts
Deprived or Scroungers? Working in Housing Schemes
Benefit claimants have been in the news again this week and it prompted me to dig out an old post and somewhat adapt it. I definitely want to blog more on this topic and I am hoping to include a chapter in my upcoming book. For now, here is an old article on the BBC website. Please take the time to…
How far should we go in living for Jesus?
What do we do with the words of the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 10:39: Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. The context is sending out the 12 to proclaim the ‘kingdom of heaven’ (v7). They were sent out as ‘sheep amongst wolves’ (v16) but were encouraged to stay firm in Jesus and to…
Hand Up v Hand Out….Fight!!!
Please take the time today to read this (here) thought provoking article from Compassion on the plight of the poor around the world. We need to be careful in helping people out, that we are not creating problems rather than solving them. Many churches need a radical mind shift in how we ‘do’ justice and mercy.