'Ordinary Pastor' Tagged Posts
Do You Really Want To Plant A Church?
I haven’t posted to ‘Ordinary Pastor‘ (one of my favourite blogs) for a long while. So, here you go! A mini series on church planting. Enjoy it here. Note: Re-posting doesn’t always mean 100% agreement. 🙂
5 Ways to make Your Preaching Better!
So, my Pastoral Assistant stiffed me and I haven’t had the time to prepare a full post today. On the plus side, you get to enjoy this great post from the ‘Ordinary Pastor’ here on this fascinating topic!
Handling Dangerous People In Your Church
A thoughtful post here from The ordinary Pastor. I am not sure I would so gracious as he in handling this type of individual.
A response to grumpy reformed pastors
Apparently John MacArthur has kicked up a bit of a fuss with a swing at the Young, Reformed & Restless brigade in the USA. Read what he has to say here.One of my fav bloggers has then responded to this, I think very ably and graciously, here.
Great Ideas For Sermon Application
One of my favourite bloggers offers some helpful tips here.