'NiddriePastor' Tagged Posts (Page 6)
Church Planting v Church Renewal
There have been many articles written on this topic from a theoretical point of view. What is the advantage of planting a church from scratch over and against the hive model (taking a group of pre-existing Christians and launching them as a ‘plant’)? I have experience of both models and here are some initial and tentative observations. When I planted the Good…
Training Future Leaders
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/24052087] Some interesting comments here. We operate a different model but the idea is the same – to raise men and women to be competent and capable gospel workers in inner city housing schemes. That will obviously include ‘preachers’ but not exclusively so. At NCC we use some great material in partnership with the Porterbrook…
How well do we listen?
By and large Christians like to speak. They have got something of eternal significance to say after all. Many of us are poor listeners. Many Christians don’t have many non Christian friends (or any come to that). They think they do. But they don’t. If you have been a believer for any length of time, count the number of genuine non Christian friends you have.…
The Planter & His Preparation
Good little clip here from Darrin Patrick on the character of a church planter. [vimeo http://vimeo.com/20574765]
Why we should read?
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ofJ8QIcg0bQ#at=21] I like Al Mohler and his gimpy story about sneaking books on holiday! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttktOtt3HRs&feature=player_embedded#at=33] I think the bottom line for all of us in ministry is that if we are not reading broadly and often then we are doing a disservice…
Great Ideas For Sermon Application
One of my favourite bloggers offers some helpful tips here.
Being An Excellent Wife
I’m having a woman’s day today. I know it was supposed to be interviews with planters but I am waiting for my questionnaires to come back. Enjoy the following for now. Good little blog here.
A Woman’s Desire For Headship
A very good article here written on what looks like an excellent counselling blog for women.
‘Ministries Of Mercy’ Book Review
I came across this book recently and decided to give it a go. I understand Tim Keller wrote the book over 20 years ago and the one I am reading is his second edition from 1997. This book is divided into two distinct parts: the first focusing on the “Principles’ for mercy ministries and the second on the ‘Practice’ of mercy ministries. The first…
Should we sing Psalms?
I found this interesting 3 part article here. A little nod to my Free Church brothers. It is amusing me to think that they have just passed a vote to allow modern songs into their music playing and now there is a growing trend in some circles to reverse the flow and return to a traditional Psalmody. You have to love it.