'NiddriePastor' Tagged Posts (Page 19)
The Trellis & The Vine
This is a good book that has been out for a couple of years now. It is written by a man called Colin Marshall who has been involved in training men and women for ministry for over 30 years. His quite obvious focus is on training men and women in our churches to be effective gospel communicators, disciplers and trainers. His thesis is that if we train more people in…
Wednesday Acoustic Thingy!
We launched a new meeting in the cafe today as a replacement for our midweek ‘recover’ programme which has come to an end after 3 months. We are basically looking to start a midweek church plant with some of the locals who frequent our building Monday-Saturday but are nowhere in sight on Sundays. Normally, our cafe shuts at 2:30pm during the week, but we have…
Reformed Theology v Hyper Calvinism
You can access an interesting article here about this subject. I find that there is a lot of ignorance in many UK churches about what it means to be ‘reformed’. I have blogged about this already but I will say that many people have a poor or caricatured understanding of what it means to hold to a ‘reformed theology’. When people first discover my…
Take a guilt free break
This is a short article from resurgence (here) on taking a break to avoid burnout. I have to confess that I am almost useless at doing this. If I have a spare hour or two in the day I have to fill it by reading or doing something ‘productive’ because I find it so difficult to switch off. Any ideas?
Clueless Church
This was a very wry post written by Paul Levy here.
Why we plant churches
A talk by Richard Coekin – an uptight Brit!! [vimeo http://vimeo.com/23693117]
Who Should lead a church plant?
A lecture from Mark Driscoll on the issue of church planting. [vimeo http://vimeo.com/23990625]
Getting to the heart of our conflict
I have just read a great article by Ken Sande on the issue of conflict and the progression of idolatry in our hearts. You can read an extract from his book here. I have been greatly challenged in recent years by the work of CCEF and some of the masterful books they have written. I am going to review some of them in the coming weeks. Even though they are written from an…
Pastor as the Chief Fundraiser!
Darrin Patrick gives a lecture on what it means to raise funds for planting a church. His advice, ‘go and learn from somebody for a coupe of years. Shut up and work.’ Nice. Listen to what he has to say here.
Re-Ordering My Life
About a month ago I was persuaded by my wife and my doctor to take 4 weeks off work after an 18 month battle with a severe intestinal illness (ongoing). I was feeling tired, jaded, depressed and a bit fed up with being in ministry. This is my thirteenth year and most, if not all, of my time has been served in difficult inner city scenarios. The last 8 years have been…