'NiddriePastor' Tagged Posts (Page 15)

'NiddriePastor' Tagged Posts (Page 15)

Marijuana Ministers!!!

I kid you not – I have seen it all now! If my boys in Niddrie get a hold of this then there will be a wholesale revival. This gives whole new meaning to Moses and the ‘burning bush’ (small cannabis joke there for those ‘in the know’). These guys say their use of the drug brings them closer to God and that the drug was often used in biblical…

What is a Godly Leader? (1)

Aubrey Malphurs, is his book, ‘Planting Growing Churches’ says this: ‘Christian leaders are godly persons (character) who know where they are going (vision) and have followers (influence)’ (p126) Character People need to be trustworthy if they are to succeed in ministry. Certainly, there are lots of good actors out there, but sooner or later the…

Is God a child abuser?

I have been following a horrific story in the press over the last few weeks. A man in Wales has been sentenced to 8 years for spiking his baby’s milk with methadone. Read the full details here. God forgive me, but my first instinct is to hunt this animal down and make him suffer. I know from personal experience that his life in prison is going to be filled with…

Is God better than weed?

Somebody asked me recently that if God is so powerful and all-knowing and he doesn’t need anybody or anything outside of himself to exist, why does he need us to worship him? Does God have such low self-esteem that he needs to hear from the human race how great he is? The issue for the human race is that we have been designed to worship. It is built into our DNA. It…

Creation Issues

Let me tell you straight off the bat that I am a 6 day creationist. By that I mean that God created the world in six , literal 24 hour periods as written in Genesis 1. I believe that the book of Genesis is historical fact and not elevated Hebraic prose. Contrary to perceived opinions I don’t hate science, have a poster of Ken Ham up in my bedroom (my wife…